Where am I? (in the great scheme of things)

My work could be called “semi-abstract” or “expressionistic”, I occupy a lonely space somewhere between the incandescent impressions of Turner; the powerful emotional explosiveness of Van Gogh and the abstractions of Pollock, De Kooning and the late canvases of Kline.

– Anyway back to the studio…

Beneath a Bridge of Sighs

Beneath a Bridge of Sighs

This work is so difficult to represent as a photograph, so I will try and describe it. –
“The main ground of the painting consists of fifteen coats of ultramarine blue with a delicately blended gradation of phthalo (monestial) blue along the top edge. On this background paint has been applied in generous layers of turquoise, ultramarine, iridescent silver encrusted with viridian and petrol blue sand, graphite and bronze powder. Standing in front of it the surface of the painting shimmers and changes dramatically like looking at the sea (or the pearlised surface of an oyster shell) depending on the observers viewpoint. Because of this the painting lives and could be seen as almost kinetic.”